Meet the Artist- Jenny Grant

Jenny Grant is a Mixed Media Artist living in Stockholm, Sweden, on a mission to inspire people to be brave, to use their creativity and to do more of what they love.
Jenny found her unique creative spark and source within herself after many years of pushing it aside. For Jenny it is all about the process, the doing. To actually get messy and just do. Her process is very unstructured, tactile and yes, quite messy and through that she is able open up the magic of what is unique within her.
Jenny would love to share her process and her magic with you. She has seen how her creative process and approach has helped the creativity blossom in herself and in hundreds of her students and she is so excited to share it with you to inspire you to expand and grow yours!

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Jenny's Workshops on Art is Magic:
Seasonal FlowStory Flow

What does Art is Magic mean to you?

For me art really is magic. My art and my art practice has taught me so many things about myself and how to live my life. It has taught me to be present and listen to my own voice, my intuition. What I realised when doing my art is that when I do listen to my intuition, magic does happen.
The “Art is Magic” community is an amazing source of inspiration for me. I love working together in different collaborations and to share and inspire others is a very important part of me.

What is it about making art that stirs your soul?

When I let go and create art in a totally free way and find the creative source within myself. This freedom is an important part of my creative process and it allows me to relax, to let go and to find my flow. To work in this way opens up the magic of what is unique within me and helps me to find my own voice, both in art and my life.

What is currently inspiring you?

My inspiration varies over time, but right now it is to focus on my inner creativity, to be vulnerable and brave. I am trying to listen, and when I feel that I resonate with something, I paint it. When I find my flow there is a direct contact to my inner voice; an endless source of inspiration! I also get very inspired by other artists. I love following artists online to see how their art develops and also how they develop as humans. I love the energy in creative spaces such as studios and work spaces and I absolute love working together with other creative people. To be creative together and collaborate in the creative process is very inspiring. The energy around creative people is what inspires me the most at the moment!

 How do you keep your creative practice fresh and inspired?

I focus on how to create just for the sake of creating. I focus on the journey and my energy rather than the result. I find ways to be brave and to do art just for me and my soul …because when I do, I know I will create some magic! My energy shifts, and I become a magnet for ideas, insights and inspiration.

What do you wish you had known at the beginning of your creative journey?

That it is important not to judge or evaluate the art when in the middle of the creative process. To not label it ‘Beautiful’ or ‘Ugly’ and that there are no ‘mistakes’. To categorize the result as ugly is only a mindset and a mindset that leaves us feeling discontented. When we can stay in the ugly and use the mistakes as creative opportunities we have taken a huge step.

Do you have a Creative Self Care Practice?

I love working in my handmade art journals. A grungy, “ugly” junk journal made out of scrap paper. A journal where the process is the important part and the result and outcome is secondary. For me it is a way for my creative soul to be totally free and a way to find the unique creative source within myself. Art Journaling is an important part of my creative practice and it also allows me to relax, to let go and to find my flow. When working in my art journal I feel safe. For me art journaling opens up the magic of what is unique within me.