Meet the Artist- Toni Burt

Toni is a mixed-media artist and potter.
Creativity and the challenge of discovering something new is what inspires her. She is constantly developing new techniques and processes to expand her creative self.  Exploring with line and form, and the challenge of working with materials in different ways is key to her constantly evolving creative style. 
She has a loose organic approach and loves to explore the freedom of scribbling with a pencil or blobbing paint with a big brush.  Evoking emotions with art is her ultimate goal, and to align with spirit during the process. She is inspired by many things – a lump of clay from the earth, the magical wonder of the natural world, the animal kingdom, quaint urban streets scenes, and ordinary everyday objects. 


What does Art is Magic mean to you?

For me art is a way to express myself, to discover new things, to get out of my comfort zone, that is the magic of art!  There is no right or wrong in that magic, you are free to explore to your hearts content.  Feelings and moods come forth during the creative process, that can often only be expressed as an artistic endeavour.  For me words are not my strength, line and form expressed with many different media are where the magic comes from.

What is it about making art that stirs your soul?

Gosh I spend most of my days making or thinking about art. I feel that there is an innate drive in me to create, no matter what it is.  It can even be building or constructing something, for me the joy and connection is in the doing, the decision making process, the trial and error, and the exploration  is what stirs my soul and brings me joy.

What does your creative Practice look like?

I follow my intuition and never force myself to create.  I do what I feel like on the day, I can go for weeks without painting or drawing, then I will create with a frenzy and make several artworks for days on end.  Most days you will find me in my Pottery studio though, there is always something to do there, even if it is just cleaning up!.

What do you wish you had known at the beginning of your creative journey?

I actually wish I had had access to more resources, more learning opportunities, I feel that I would have done a lot more sooner. Soak everything up like a sponge and try everything!  I wish I had known that the more you do the easier it gets, the more free you can be, the more comfortable you will be with your own choices and creative decisions.