Meet the Artist- Kristy Kensinger

I am an artist based in Colorado. I have spent 10+ years as a freelance graphic designer and studied at the University of Colorado, Boulder graduating with a B.A. in Fine Arts and Art History with an emphasis on Digital Art.

Since a young age, I traveled across the nation and globe. My travels sparked an internal passion in me that will never subside. Travel both energizes and humbles. When not on the go, I find myself continually researching different cultures. The textiles, patterns, cuisine, and artisans worldwide inspire my artwork and teaching. I love the lessons and unpredictability that travel brings to my life. Each experience is reflected in my artwork.

I can typically be found with messy hair, paint splattered on my clothes, and walking barefoot. I love field trips and adventures with my two kids Elle and Sterling, creating in my studio, time alone to read, playing outside, yoga, and traveling (to name a few). I hope to forever be a student of the world. I started this journey as a means to expand my horizons and connect to others who share similar passions. I love the feeling of creating with my hands, learning something different, discovering a new place, the sun shining down on me, and belly laughter with good company. I would love to connect and hear your story!

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Kristy's Workshop on Art is Magic:

Why do you create art?

Honestly, I would drive everyone around me nuts if I didn’t create! But seriously, I
find it is the best way for me to express my innermost thoughts, my experiences and
perspective on the world. I have always preferred visual means for communication and I get this feeling in my hands that I just have to create.

Tell us about your journey to become an artist.

I have always created. After going to school and getting my degree in fine art and
art history I went into graphic design. Although a creative outlet, I felt like something was missing. I wanted to create with my hands again and always had a passion to
share what I learned. I quit my job before the pandemic as a marketing manager for a telecommunications company and juggled homeschool and art and teaching. After many different lines of work I finally felt like I was following my passion. I also know
that these past experiences really did help my art in so many ways so I don’t regret the paths I followed to get me where I want to be.

What is your journey to claim the title artist?

This one took some time for me. Although I have been creating since I was young, I
would always say I was an artist and….and finally one day I had the confidence enough to say I was an artist without the “and something else”. I took ownership. Being an
artist can have a million different descriptions depending on who you ask. I had to
define what being an artist was to me first and then have the courage to live the life I wanted.

What is currently inspiring you?

I am always inspired by different perspectives and the many different ways of thinking in our world. I think this attracted me to travel. I was a competitive tennis player and traveled all over the country I live in for tournaments. This sparked a passion in me
for travel that will never subside. Much of my work is inspired by my reflections and
observation of people and different cultures. Most recently, I am drawn to textiles and patterns from all over the world.

What does your creative practice look like?

With little kids at home and tendencies of ADHD, I struggle to stay on a set schedule each day. I also found a set schedule to dull my creativity. But I try my best to prioritize my values and that which is most meaningful to me each day. I came up with a little
system that works for me where I have categories I try to check off each day that
embody my values (movement, create, quiet, play, learn and grow). I find if I check off most of these categories each day even for 5 minutes, I am so much happier.
What do you wish you had known at the beginning of your creative journey? I wish I knew it was ok to take risks. There are no failures but stepping stones to growth.

Do you have a Creative Self Care Practice?

Absolutely. It looks different each day but if I follow what I need moment to moment. I don’t have a lot of time for self care at this stage in my life but I know if I don’t take care of myself I can’t show up for others in the way they need either. Sometimes my
creative self care is in studio such as art journaling or art I create just for my own eyes and other times care comes from outside my studio, meditating, practicing yoga,
hiking with a friend, taking a field trip with my kids.