Meet the Artist- Catt Geller

I'm Catt Z. 
Founder of Cosmic Smash Booking. 

I look for people who want to change the world.

I mentor them to unlock their knowledge and step into their leadership and create transformational healing in the world.

I'm a wild woman, pioneer, gypsy, lover of dogs, traveling, and starting over. I love stepping into dangerous territory and bringing others with me on the journey.

I bring the fun, wisdom, magic, adventure, and courage to assist you in healing yourself enough so you may go out and heal others.

Are You ready to live your greatest life?

What does Art is Magic mean to me?

Art for me is a broad spectrum.  How one lives their life, how they treat people, how they dress, make meals, and/or  show up with supplies to create an image on a hard surface such as canvas, wood,or paper.

Showing up in the mindset of creation is magic because it goes beyond what we know.  We tap into something greater than ourselves which gives us new insight.  This insight takes us to places we cannot go in our 3 dimensional world. 

Making art is a spiritual process, not always to create beauty.

In my world and what I teach, Art is Magic because everything you need to know to transform yourself and others is within you.  The process of making art takes you inwards to connect with your higher self.

Why do I create art?

I create art for many reasons.  Sometimes it is just for fun, it is play.  I create art to connect with myself and my spiritual connection and receive comfort and direction.  I create art to know where I am in the world.  

I use Image and color to heal myself and bring what is created to my frontal cortex to be remembered and used as medicine.  
My journey to become an artist …
My journey to become an arts has been a long one.  Like many people I was shut off at 6 years old from creating art due to something that happened in my home.  The result was the story I created around the incident was I was a liar and a cheat.  I felt ashamed and beaten.  

I tried other forms of creating art and was ridiculed and made fun of … and eventually gave up.

I became an art supporter, buying art and going to museums and art shows.  I read “xxx” which pointed out that if you were like me … you really were an artist …

So, I ventured out at 50 and created a small body of work of just eyes.  The eyes looking back at me scared me so much that I increased the amount of alcohol I drank until I was a highly functional alcoholic.

It wasn’t until I turned 60 and got sober that I picked up the paint brush again that I realized it was my higher self looking back at me.  

My journey to claiming the title of being an artist 
My journey to claim the title of being an artist happened the first time I sold someone else sold one of my paintings to someone I did not know, before that I knew I was creative.  I hoped I was an artist but once that painting sold it became evidence.

What stirs my soul when making art is 
What stirs my soul when making art is beginning with ritual and slowly turn my heart towards my spiritual connection.

My creative practice is …
My creative practice is the process I created called Cosmic Smash Booking.  I begin with journaling, followed by prayer and color and then I deeply listen to what gets to show up next.  I live in the page I created and everything that happens that day gets filtered through the lens of what I have created.
I keep my creative practice fresh and inspired by 
I keep my creative practice fresh and inspired by teaching others and being in connection with my tribe of teachers who are taking this work out into the world.  

Every teacher brings a new perspective to the work and they inspire me.  Our hash tag is #youcantmakethisshitup because the work is brilliant because it starts and ends in with our personal spiritual connection.

The creative walls I hit are 
The creative walls I hit are when I am tired, when I don’t set aside time to create. If I do not make it a priority I let all the “things” of life get in the way.

I move through my creative walls by 
I move through my creative walls by making the decision to make art.  This requires me to put into my calendar days and times I create.