Meet the Artist- ldikó Karsay

I'm Ildikó Karsay, living in the centre of Europe in Hungary, in the beautiful capitol Budapest.
I feel at home in acryl, watercolour, silk and oil too. I'm a painter, graphic designer, artificer, illustrator, calligrapher, typographer, decorator, parapsychologist, spiritual therapist BUT I'm an all time learner. I'm an explorer, always seeking for new mediums and materials.
Loving creativity comes from my childhood I was curious and tried everything I met
I paint flowers and animals with aquarelle on paper. I love NATURE with the never ending inspirations.
I’m an explorer working with oil.
I create abstract and colorful paintings with acrylics inspired by love and nature that bring beauty, warmth  and joy to my heart. The vibrant colours appear along my way of art which comes deep from my soul.'
I believe everybody is creative, just need a little help to remember . .
I'm a Mom of 3 brilliant teenagers, a boy and 2 girls. They are very talented with their hands too. With 3 children I always find some interesting "craft" to do with them and with other children. I'm making art since my childhood and love to create
My main goal in my Natureart  workshops to give tons of inspirations to help sweet members to find their inner voice.

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What does Art is Magic mean to you?

I'm happy to be amoung the great artist team for the second time. It is a great honour and I love the heartwarming welcome. I think the great community uplift ourself. There is another meaning of Art is Magic, that really a magic. If you create and you are really in what you create everything is disappear around you. Remain the happiness and real inner calm.

Why do you create art?

Creativity is part of my life since my childhood. I have always loved to create everything by hand.

Tell us about your journey to become an artist?

I was working for movie networks as a graphic designer for 13 years and during this rush work I had no time for my art. Once I bought a painting I fall in love on ebay and when arrived I felt that I can make it too. I returned to paint  in 2008 and I found peace and calm in art. Since that time I cannot live without art anymore.

Tell us about your journey to claim the title artist?

Although people consider me an artist because I’ve been living as a full-time artist since 2018, I never would have thought I was. We are all on the path of a big journey.

What is it about making art that stirs your soul?

I am curious  and I like to try every novelty be it a new material or technique. I'm an always learner.

What is currently inspiring you?

I am always interested in art history and I learn a lot from it.  I have very colourful dreams which also inspire. Otherwise I love to help people to find their inner voice.

What does your creative Practice look like?

I have 3 children and usually they are in school in the morning, the house is empty and I can feel free to create. We have a big garden and nowadays I get endless inspiration from Nature. I  learned to calm down.
I worked a lot to let off my maximalism and I teach that the road is the important not the result.

What do you wish you had known at the beginning of your creative journey?

It happens in our lives for every reason, but it would have had a place for daily drawing and painting. I would have had more time without a family. Travelling back in time I would suggest to myself that start daily practice earlier.