Meet the Artist- Karine Bossé

I’m Karine Bossé, also known as Kabostudio. I’m a graphic designer, mix-media artist, doll
maker and online art teacher and a generalist art explorer.
I started Kabostudio about 15 years ago and began teaching around 2015.
As a multi-disciplinary artist mixing it all up comes naturally to me. When I come across
limitations, I will try to find ways to go around them and create something unique. Being limited in terms of space and sometimes budget is often the best thing that can happen to you as an artist, it will definitely get you to think “out of the box.”

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What does Art is Magic mean to you?

Art is to create beauty (whatever it is for you) out of nothing. If this is not magic, I don't know what is :)

Why do you create art?

Honestly, I couldn't imagine my life without it. Even when everything around me is chaos, art keeps me grounded. I know it can get frustrating, but it's like breathing; it just happens.

Tell us about your journey to becoming an artist?

I was a lonely child; typical generation X grew up the youngest of three and spent most of my time playing by myself. When I think of myself at a young age, I see myself drawing or creating something.

Tell us about your journey to claim the title of the artist?

It's always been a big part of me, and I think people called me the artist before I even stopped to think about it. I wasn't really good at sport and was socially awkward from a young age, and art was the thing where I didn't get bullied, and people left me be.

What is it about making art that stirs your soul?

Art helps me take all the world's ugliness and turn it into beauty. I paint emotion. There is intent even when I paint an empty room or a still-life.
I sometimes feel that my art is all the love and sadness inside me that has nowhere to go and finds its way to one of my creations.
One of my love languages is to feed people, and I tend to cook like I paint; it's a delicate balance between colours and textures.
What is currently inspiring you?
Plants and home decor and solitude. I probably spent too much time in my apartment.

What does your creative practice look like?

A few years back, I started that thing that I sit at my art table at 8 pm and paint until I go to bed. It was a way to get more consistent. Strangely my brain now knows when it's time, but it also had a side effect that I have trouble painting in the afternoon… I still do, but it's not as natural.

How do you keep your creative practice fresh and inspired?

I find inspiration anywhere. Really, I fix things a lot and allow myself time to let my mind wander. I take a lot of walks or simply when I clean my place. I can get inspired by how the sunlight hits objects differently in the spring than in the fall. I read a lot of watch series and movies that have nothing to do with my reality and absorb everything. You never know when it will surface. And when nothing comes, I cook, clean, or go for a walk. And then I draw still-life.

What sort of creative walls do you hit?

When my creativity truly goes dormant, it's often dues to stress, lack of sleep and feel like I'm losing control of my day-to-day. The ideas are still there; I simply lack the energy, and you know what? That's alright. I know it will be back.

What do you do to move through them?

I rest, spend time with friends and don't stress about it.

How has your process evolved?

Earlier in my art journey, I liked things to be done quickly and moved to the next one because I simply had to make ideas! But I also felt like I wasn't getting a deep and meaningful result. I realized that by getting slowers and really thinking things through, I felt prouder and was happier with my creations. Great things take time, and patience can be learned.

What do you wish you had known at the beginning of your creative journey?

Create for yourself from your heart, don't create what you think people want to see. Believe me, it's not the thing that will get noticed. Find what makes your heart sing and do that. Your people will show up and support you.

Do you have a Creative Self Care Practice?
Sleep! I love taking afternoon naps when I can; I would make an excellent cat!

Do you have any creative rituals?

Lately, along with sitting at my table at 8 pm, I make myself a pot of herbal tea, turn the tv on to whatever series I'm watching, and start painting. It's also probably why I can watch something twice because my focus is on my easel and fighting with cat hair! :D