Mark Making Tools:
Graphite pencils
Charcoal pencils, black and white

Coloured pencils

Charcoal( willow, compressed)

Markers, Posca, sharpies, roller ball etc

Water soluble coloured crayons- Neocolour water soluble crayons

Stabilo ‘mark all
Coloured pastels
Black ink (Quink is brilliant for this)
Soft brown conte pencil such as this

Paper- Large sheets of paper 20x20”
Sketch book or sheets of ‘throw away paper’
Canvas board, any size you are comfortable with. i used a 12x16inch

Acrylic Paint: a range of colours your choice but here are some suggested colours based on what is used in the lessons (you by no means need to race out and buy all these, they are just referenced as they are the colours Emma uses- you can use what you have):

Raw sienna
Naples yellow
Bright Red
Prussian blue
Greenish blue
Sky blue
Olive green light( lime green)
Pale olive green (Vallejo brand)
Red iron oxide
Raw sienna or yellow oxide
Burnt sienna
Naples yellow buff
Red oxide
Sage green
Mars black
Raw sienna
Raw Umber
Bright Orange
Paynes Grey
Pale green
Sage green
Buff titanium
Bright orange
Colony blue
Warm yellow
Bright red.

Water spray bottle

Clear gesso

Matte medium such as this or this

Household brush
Scruffy household paint brush and any other mark making implements(i use a bottle brush)
flat edge brush
Palette knife
Kitchen roll

Talc or plaster of paris
White craft/wood glue
Cold wax medium (optional)
Eco Solvent (or turps) for thinning and cleaning, Gamblin.
Rubber kidney or silicone spatula
Old credit card or scrape
Oil bars in a variety of colours- I mainly use R&F.